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 Hôtel La Bonne Étape Provence

"Soirées Vigneronnes"

From 145€ per person

this offer

"Soirées Vigneronnes" in our Bonne Étape

On Thursday, September, 28th for the Domaine des Bergeries

On Thursday, October, 26th for the Domaine de la Blaque

Dive into the core of an intoxicating experience with our wineyard nights in the starred restaurant, introducing prestigious domains.

An evening that brings together the passion for gastronomy and oenoogy in an enchanting setting. Let yourself be seduced by the subtle art of tasting in contact with the winemakers.

The offer: 
* A 4-dish Menu with cheese including wine pairing at the rate of 145€ per person.

* A 15% reduction on our Best Available Rate
on September, 27th and 28th
as well as October, 25th and 26th 2023.

Booking required, subject to availability,
cannot be combined with any other promotion